Türkiye İş Kadınları Derneği - Turkish Business Women Association

About Us

* TİKAD, committed to the universal principles of democracy and human rights, respectful of freedom of belief and thought, and supra-partisan, works to consolidate the status of businesswomen in the business world.

* TIKAD contributes to Turkey's economic and political development in the process of harmonisation with the European Union. It communicates the opinions and suggestions formed within this framework directly to the parliament, the government, foreign states, international organisations and the public through the press.

* TIKAD carries out the necessary activities to strengthen the role of businesswomen in the developing Turkish economy, and pioneers businesswomen to lead the development.

* TİKAD is the Turkish equivalent of the power union of professional women in developed countries. It aims to contribute to the country's economy and management by uniting the power of professional women.

* TİKAD creates new business ideas by informing its members about innovations in the world. It provides all kinds of information support to professionals who want to make investments and who want to take their organisations to a higher level. It uses the latest technology as a tool in this direction.

* TİKAD, on behalf of Turkey, carries out lobbying activities at home and abroad in line with the determined strategies.

* TIKAD creates public opinion with the quality of its activities. The content and form of the activities are determined by annual PR and communication strategies. In this direction, it acts like a professional company rather than an association. It aims to transform the name "TİKAD" into a strong brand that is publicly recognised.

* TİKAD carries out its services with the seriousness of a public service. Under no circumstances does TİKAD establish a biased relationship with a political view, and in everything it does, it accepts only the interests of the country as a criterion.

* In summary, TİKAD is at the centre of economic, political and social life. These three elements constitute the basic headings of its fields of activity.